761 research outputs found

    Laplacian growth with separately controlled noise and anisotropy

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    Conformal mapping models are used to study competition of noise and anisotropy in Laplacian growth. For that, a new family of models is introduced with the noise level and directional anisotropy controlled independently. Fractalization is observed in both anisotropic growth and the growth with varying noise. Fractal dimension is determined from cluster size scaling with its area. For isotropic growth we find d = 1.7, both at high and low noise. For anisotropic growth with reduced noise the dimension can be as low as d = 1.5 and apparently is not universal. Also, we study fluctuations of particle areas and observe, in agreement with previous studies, that exceptionally large particles may appear during the growth, leading to pathologically irregular clusters. This difficulty is circumvented by using an acceptance window for particle areas.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figure

    The Jacobi Polynomials QCD analysis for the polarized structure function

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    We present the results of our QCD analysis for polarized quark distribution and structure function xg1(x,Q2)xg_1 (x,Q^2). We use very recently experimental data to parameterize our model. New parameterizations are derived for the quark and gluon distributions for the kinematic range xϵ[108,1]x \epsilon [10^{-8},1], Q2ϵ[1,106]Q^2 \epsilon [1,10^6] GeV^2. The analysis is based on the Jacobi polynomials expansion of the polarized structure functions. Our calculations for polarized parton distribution functions based on the Jacobi polynomials method are in good agreement with the other theoretical models. The values of ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} and αs(Mz)\alpha_s(M_z) are determined.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figures and 4 table

    Regularized overlap and the chiral determinant

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    We study the relationship between the continuum overlap and its corresponding chiral determinant, showing that the former amounts to an unregularised version of the latter. We then construct a regularised continuum overlap, and consider the chiral anomalies that follow therefrom. The relation between these anomalies and the ones derived from the formal (i.e., unregularised) overlap is elucidated.Comment: 14 pages, late

    The Stress Transmission Universality Classes of Periodic Granular Arrays

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    The transmission of stress is analysed for static periodic arrays of rigid grains, with perfect and zero friction. For minimal coordination number (which is sensitive to friction, sphericity and dimensionality), the stress distribution is soluble without reference to the corresponding displacement fields. In non-degenerate cases, the constitutive equations are found to be simple linear in the stress components. The corresponding coefficients depend crucially upon geometrical disorder of the grain contacts.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Hastings-Levitov aggregation in the small-particle limit

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    We establish some scaling limits for a model of planar aggregation. The model is described by the composition of a sequence of independent and identically distributed random conformal maps, each corresponding to the addition of one particle. We study the limit of small particle size and rapid aggregation. The process of growing clusters converges, in the sense of Caratheodory, to an inflating disc. A more refined analysis reveals, within the cluster, a tree structure of branching fingers, whose radial component increases deterministically with time. The arguments of any finite sample of fingers, tracked inwards, perform coalescing Brownian motions. The arguments of any finite sample of gaps between the fingers, tracked outwards, also perform coalescing Brownian motions. These properties are closely related to the evolution of harmonic measure on the boundary of the cluster, which is shown to converge to the Brownian web

    A Numerical Investigation of the Effects of Classical Phase Space Structure on a Quantum System

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    We present a detailed numerical study of a chaotic classical system and its quantum counterpart. The system is a special case of a kicked rotor and for certain parameter values possesses cantori dividing chaotic regions of the classical phase space. We investigate the diffusion of particles through a cantorus; classical diffusion is observed but quantum diffusion is only significant when the classical phase space area escaping through the cantorus per kicking period greatly exceeds Planck's constant. A quantum analysis confirms that the cantori act as barriers. We numerically estimate the classical phase space flux through the cantorus per kick and relate this quantity to the behaviour of the quantum system. We introduce decoherence via environmental interactions with the quantum system and observe the subsequent increase in the transport of quantum particles through the boundary.Comment: 15 pages, 22 figure

    Convergence of the critical attractor of dissipative maps: Log-periodic oscillations, fractality and nonextensivity

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    For a family of logistic-like maps, we investigate the rate of convergence to the critical attractor when an ensemble of initial conditions is uniformly spread over the entire phase space. We found that the phase space volume occupied by the ensemble W(t) depicts a power-law decay with log-periodic oscillations reflecting the multifractal character of the critical attractor. We explore the parametric dependence of the power-law exponent and the amplitude of the log-periodic oscillations with the attractor's fractal dimension governed by the inflexion of the map near its extremal point. Further, we investigate the temporal evolution of W(t) for the circle map whose critical attractor is dense. In this case, we found W(t) to exhibit a rich pattern with a slow logarithmic decay of the lower bounds. These results are discussed in the context of nonextensive Tsallis entropies.Comment: 8 pages and 8 fig

    Biharmonic pattern selection

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    A new model to describe fractal growth is discussed which includes effects due to long-range coupling between displacements uu. The model is based on the biharmonic equation 4u=0\nabla^{4}u =0 in two-dimensional isotropic defect-free media as follows from the Kuramoto-Sivashinsky equation for pattern formation -or, alternatively, from the theory of elasticity. As a difference with Laplacian and Poisson growth models, in the new model the Laplacian of uu is neither zero nor proportional to uu. Its discretization allows to reproduce a transition from dense to multibranched growth at a point in which the growth velocity exhibits a minimum similarly to what occurs within Poisson growth in planar geometry. Furthermore, in circular geometry the transition point is estimated for the simplest case from the relation rL/e1/2r_{\ell}\approx L/e^{1/2} such that the trajectories become stable at the growing surfaces in a continuous limit. Hence, within the biharmonic growth model, this transition depends only on the system size LL and occurs approximately at a distance 60%60 \% far from a central seed particle. The influence of biharmonic patterns on the growth probability for each lattice site is also analysed.Comment: To appear in Phys. Rev. E. Copies upon request to [email protected]

    Randomly Crosslinked Macromolecular Systems: Vulcanisation Transition to and Properties of the Amorphous Solid State

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    As Charles Goodyear discovered in 1839, when he first vulcanised rubber, a macromolecular liquid is transformed into a solid when a sufficient density of permanent crosslinks is introduced at random. At this continuous equi- librium phase transition, the liquid state, in which all macromolecules are delocalised, is transformed into a solid state, in which a nonzero fraction of macromolecules have spontaneously become localised. This solid state is a most unusual one: localisation occurs about mean positions that are distributed homogeneously and randomly, and to an extent that varies randomly from monomer to monomer. Thus, the solid state emerging at the vulcanisation transition is an equilibrium amorphous solid state: it is properly viewed as a solid state that bears the same relationship to the liquid and crystalline states as the spin glass state of certain magnetic systems bears to the paramagnetic and ferromagnetic states, in the sense that, like the spin glass state, it is diagnosed by a subtle order parameter. In this review we give a detailed exposition of a theoretical approach to the physical properties of systems of randomly, permanently crosslinked macromolecules. Our primary focus is on the equilibrium properties of such systems, especially in the regime of Goodyear's vulcanisation transition.Comment: Review Article, REVTEX, 58 pages, 3 PostScript figure

    Force-Extension Relations for Polymers with Sliding Links

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    Topological entanglements in polymers are mimicked by sliding rings (slip-links) which enforce pair contacts between monomers. We study the force-extension curve for linear polymers in which slip-links create additional loops of variable size. For a single loop in a phantom chain, we obtain exact expressions for the average end-to-end separation: The linear response to a small force is related to the properties of the unstressed chain, while for a large force the polymer backbone can be treated as a sequence of Pincus--de Gennes blobs, the constraint effecting only a single blob. Generalizing this picture, scaling arguments are used to include self-avoiding effects.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures; accepted to Phys. Rev. E (Brief Report